Adv. Eyal Sternberg is a distinguished attorney in Israel, renowned for his expertise in commercial law. With a strong focus on labor-related matters, he represents a diverse clientele, including employers, corporations, municipal bodies, and government entities across various industries.
Public Activities and Publications:
Academic Director of Labor Law at Hamil – The Israeli Center for Management.
Founding Partner – DPC – The School for Privacy Protection and Information Security, in cooperation with the Israel Bar Association, the Magid Institute of the Hebrew University, Cisco Systems and the Israel Privacy Protection Authority.
Co-founder and attorney – Tamura – The Legal Tender for the Advancement of Equality – Israel’s leading legal tender for the struggle for disadvantaged and discriminated against populations.
Chairman of the Israel Golf Professions Association.
Author of the legal chapter in the books “The Silent Epidemic in the Workplace” and “Breakdown of Relations” – chapters that discuss the phenomenon of abuse at work and provide a comparative review of Israeli and international law in dealing with the phenomenon, details of the legal tools currently under discussion in Israeli case law and in summary, and proposals for new legislation.
Member of the Executive Committee – Forum 190 – Forum of Senior Officials for the Prevention of Abuse at Work.
LL.M. in Commercial Law, Tel Aviv University
LL.B., The Hebrew University of Jerusalem